Give your dog a big bowl of nutritious meal with Spectrum Low Grain Medium & Large Breed Dog Food which is a specially formulated low grain dog food with Salmon, Anchovy & Blueberry Formula. This protein-packed dog food comes as ready to eat kibble to give your four legged friend just the right-sized mouthful at mealtimes. Shop for this and more ready to eat dog food for sale in Uganda to enjoy fast, convenient shopping on Uganda’s best pet store.
Nutritional Information On Spectrum Low Grain Medium & Large Breed Dog Food, Anchovy & Blueberry
INGREDIENTS: Dehydrated animal protein (salmon and anchovy protein min. 26%), cereals (rice, corn, oat), anchovies oil, chicken fat, whey powder, sugar cane fiber, hydrolyzed chicken protein, carob meal, pea starch, brewery’s yeast, salt, blueberry, chia seed, flax seed, L-carnitine, xylooligosaccharides (XOS), glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, yucca schidigera, dried egg powder, turmeric, artichoke, olive, red onion, blackberry, tomato, watermelon, pomegranate, thym, rosemary, ginger extracts.
Crude Protein | 28% | Vitamin A (E672) | 18000 IU |
Crude Fat | 4% | Vitamin D3(E671) | 1500 IU |
Crude Ash | 8% | Vitamin E (3A700) | 150 mg |
Crude Cellulose (Fiber) | 3% | Vitamin C (Stay C) | 200 mg |
Feeding Guidelines for Spectrum Low Grain Medium & Large Breed Dog Food, Anchovy & Blueberry
Adult Dog Weight | 12 kg | 15 kg | 20 kg | 25 kg | 30 kg | 35 kg | 40 kg | 45 kg |
Dog’s Profile | ||||||||
Thin | 200 – 220 | 250 – 270 | 320 – 350 | 380 – 410 | 410 – 440 | 500 – 530 | 550 – 590 | 600 – 650 |
Normal | 170 – 190 | 210 – 240 | 270 – 300 | 330 – 360 | 350 – 390 | 420 – 450 | 470 – 500 | 510 – 560 |
Overweight | 150 – 170 | 180 – 210 | 220 – 250 | 260 – 290 | 300 – 330 | 340 – 380 | 400 – 450 | 430 – 490 |
How To Feed Your Dog
- Recommended daily feeding amount (gram per day) according to the dogs’ bodyweight (kg) and silhouette (A-Thin, B-Normal or C-Overweight), see chart.
- Daily ration can vary linked to ambient temperature, dog’s lifestyle (indoor-outdoor), temperament and activity.
- In order to ensure ideal body weight of your dog, weigh out the quantity of food.
- To provide the correct portions, assess your dog’s appetite, visual appearance and stools.
- Switch over from one food to another should be done gradually by mixing small amounts of both foods during a period of one week.
- Ensure that your dog has permanent access to fresh water. Even if the water seems clear, change it at least daily.
- Keep the product in a dry and cool place and be sure the food bag is properly closed after each feeding.
- Batch number, factory registration number and best before date, see packaging.
Best place to buy Spectrum Low Grain Medium & Large Breed Dog Food, Anchovy & Blueberry in Uganda.
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